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Healthcare Industry

How to Improve Hospital Patient Experience: What's Happened So Far

The desire to improve patient experience in hospitals isn’t a new concept — NHS Trusts have been ...

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Healthcare Industry

15 Healthcare Statistics That Show Technology is Vital For the NHS

Healthcare is one of the most important facets of society we frequently rely on. The pressure the NHS faces ...

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Company News

The Inspiring Journey of SPARK TSL's CIO

Early Career and Entrepreneurial Spirit Pierre's journey began with a minimum wage Quality Control role at a ...

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Patient Experience

Patient Experience vs Patient Satisfaction: The Difference

Patient experience and patient satisfaction are two terms that are both important in the healthcare industry. ...

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Patient Experience

4 Patient Experience Trends Emerging in the Next 5 Years

Fast-changing patient expectations, technological advancements and an ageing population contribute to the ...

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Patient Experience

The path to delivering a joined up patient experience

The role of integrated care systems such as GPs, clinical commissioning groups and mental health support ...

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Healthcare Industry

Patient Centred Care: What It Is & What It Means to the NHS

Patient-centred care is pivotal in raising patient satisfaction and shaping patient experience. It puts ...

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Patient Experience

Patient Experience & the Role of Hospital Entertainment Systems

Patient experience and patient entertainment systems are two commonly talked-about topics within healthcare. ...

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Patient Experience

What Is Patient Experience and Why Is It Important?

Patient experience is often referred to as a pillar of healthcare success. It ensures patients' expectations ...

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