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Improving patient experience

No one wants to spend any more time in hospital than they have to. We aim to engage and entertain patients and visitors in hospitals to boost wellbeing and faster recovery. 

SPARK TSL® is more than just NHS WiFi. It’s a comprehensive and digitally inclusive experience and engagement platform that empowers patients to control their healthcare journey. 

Patient Experience

It’s massive for us as it means our patients, their relatives, our visitors and staff all have free access to an entertainment platform on any device.

Lisa Thompson

Director of Communications and UHNM Charity University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust



of the total food waste generated in the UK comes from the NHS and private hospitals.


Making healthcare carbon neutral

SPARK TSL® allows Trusts to operate more sustainably to achieve the net zero target by 2040 through digital transformation.

Mainstream digitally-enabled care across all areas of the NHS is possible using SPARK® products to entertain and inform patients, digitalise prescribing and meal ordering services and reduce waiting times, bed blocking and unnecessary clinical waste.

Sustainable Healthcare

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I had nothing when I was admitted to hospital. I was taken to a new trauma unit where everything seemed brand new – including the unit next to my bed. I’d seen older versions of these but never used one myself. It was on and rolling some sort of intro screen which made me touch it as it showed the Netflix app, which is what I went on to watch for the next 3 hours while I waited to see a nurse. After a while, a doctor came to me, tapped his device to the screen and then was showing me information about my health. That was pretty cool to have all my records right there and I actually understood what was happening. That was so valuable to me and actually put me at ease. After the doctor left, I played around on the unit and found so much more information about my care and went on to watch specific videos about my diagnosis. I didn’t have to Google big words or guess my condition, it was just there, completely tailored to me.