The platform for digital transformation in healthcare
The answer to improving the patient experience is now here for the UK.
SPARK Fusion® is the latest state-of-the-art solution taking over the UK. Born from a SPARK TSL® acquisition, SPARK Fusion® is a complete end-to-end infotainment solution that supports both patients, staff and NHS Hospitals.
Integrated with HL7, nurse call and meal ordering, Fusion reduces bed blocking and readmission rates whilst entertaining and educating the patient at every stage of their healthcare journey.

Patients are
Patients can educate themselves and feel empowered to take actions suitable for their recovery and treatment.
Patients are
Hospitals can get messages to patients, gather feedback and promote Hospital & charity awareness.
Patients are
Patients are distracted and entertained, leading to an increase in wellbeing and comfort.
Staff are
Staff are more efficient due to no wastage in time, food, paper and resource. Patients' needs are addressed faster and by the correct person.
A success story in The Netherlands
Enhancing the patient experience and staff efficiencies with a flexible and scalable solution that’s always up to date.
SPARK Fusion® provides a unique and total solution for healthcare providers and healthcare patients on a bedside unit in hospital. It is an app-based platform providing functionality which is available on Apple iPad devices at the bedside, in addition to our SPARK® Media BYOD solution.
When people are in hospital or when they are in regular contact with healthcare providers, patients like to be in control as much as possible, prior to treatment, during their stay in a healthcare environment, and during recovery.
Hospitals in the Netherlands have Fusion software already
Better Informed
Bed Blocking
Feedback Scores
Information & Entertainment

- TV, Radio & internet
- Video calling & telephony
- Treatment information & Electronic Health Record (EHR)
- Surveys
- HL7 (FIHR) integration and pain score
- Discharge evaluation
- Nurse call and service requests (integrations with IQ Messenger, Allertive, Ascom) or proprietary messaging on the staff devices (iOS, Android)
- Meal ordering (integration with Delegate, Datasym)
- Patient Feedback (PREMS / PROMS)
- Patient Information – based on their medical indication (3rd party integrations)
- Room Control / Domotica integrations (KNX, Dali)
- Door signs (Room / Corridor Panel) integrations (Johnson Controls)
- Staff & patient chat
- Content composer

Download the
SPARK Fusion® Brochure
Download our Healthcare brochure to read more about our fully managed solution and how SPARK Fusion® fits with our product suite
Watch the
Acquisition Interview
Between SPARK TSL®'s Group Leader, Matt O'Donovan and Willem-Jan te Riele about the acquisition
Watch the
Fusion Product Video
Learn more about the product video on our YouTube channel and catch up with our latest news and videos
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Contact us for more information
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Case Studies
Jeroen Bosch Hospital
See how a Dutch hospital uses SPARK Fusion on managed iPads to improve patient care and empower patients.
Read the full case study

Proud to already be making a difference at

Ready to install or upgrade your bedside units?
Fill out the form opposite and our team will be in touch soon.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Are the units free to use for patients?
What's different about these units to Hospedia units?
The three key differences are:
- Everything is free to use for patients.
- They aren’t 20 years old. Units won’t need to be repaired as frequently, they’re more user friendly, have modern touch screens and functionality.
- They’re customisable down to ward level.
You can choose what you’d like patients to have access to through our apps catalogue. With integrations options available for meal ordering and clinical use, SPARK Fusion is much more than a TV.
Can I replace Hospedia units with these easily?
Why should Trusts consider replacing Hospedia with SPARK Fusion®?
If Hospedia is already in your Trust, then you know that the concept of a bedside entertainment unit could be a brilliant tool for both patients and staff. Currently they run off an outdated patient pays model that everyone wants to be rid of (including us!) and have limited functionality. It’s more cost effective and less disruptive to replace the Hospedia screens with SPARK Fusion®, than it is to entirely remove the existing Hospedia Bedside Units, arms and all.
Please help us remove the patient pays model and vastly improve the patient experience along with providing ROI for your Trust.
Why should Trusts consider installing SPARK Fusion® as a patient entertainment & engagement solution?
If your Trust doesn’t have Hospedia TVs, then you’ll notice a digital divide between the elderly who rely on staff and physical reading materials, and those who have their own device. SPARK Fusion® bridges this digital inequality by providing everyone with access to free entertainment and hospital resources. Why is this important? If improving the patient experience isn’t reason enough, then just look at the ROI benefits this technology can bring to your staff and hospital.
I’m a patient/staff and need help with a Hospedia Bedside Unit. Where do I go?
How long does it take to install the units from new?
With power and data in place, we can install 50 Bedside Units per week.
It would take another 3 days to set up the core infrastructure. On top of this.
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